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Monterey Consultants Wins 2018 HIRE Vets Medallion Award
Monterey Consulants, Inc was recently recognized by the U.S. Department of Labor as a HIRE Vets Medallion Program Demonstration Award recipient for our commitment to recruiting, employing, and retaining America’s veterans. The HIRE Vets Medallion Award is the only...
Dayton Business Journal Names Monterey Consultants, Inc 2018 Business of the Year
Monterey Consultants has been nominated for 2018 Business of the Year by the Dayton Business Journal in the categories of Minority-Owned Business and Veteran-Owned Business. Monterey will take part in the gala on November 8th at the Shuster Center where the overall...
Monterey Consultants Wins Major VA and Air Force Contracts
Monterey Consultants Inc., has won three major contracts this summer, the combine value equaling $57.2 Million. In June Monterey was awarded the Program Management Support Services to the Office of Small Business Disadvantaged Utilization (OSDBU) Program Support Team...
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